Connect with AIA
AIA is where the architecture and design communities come together to share knowledge, gain expertise, get connected and stay involved. We have the tools and resources to support you in every stage of your career. As a member, you’ll receive support from AIA National, AIA Ohio, and your local chapter, AIA Cleveland.
AIA Cleveland delivers core member services and value around communications, education, advocacy, public outreach, governance, membership, and finance & operations.
The state chapter, AIA Ohio, delivers value by influencing statewide public policy. For example, they is involved with professional liability, building codes, preservation, energy and environmental concerns, licensing requirements, and professional service taxation.
AIA National tackles issues like climate change, inequities in the built environment, public policy and practice, school safety, and affordable housing. AIA National helps architects stay involved with solving today’s critical challenges and influences the public’s perception of the profession.
AIAS membership supports architecture students in collegiate schools across the United States.
AIA National
We advocate for the value of architecture and give architects the resources they need to do their best work.
AIA Ohio
AIA Ohio Advocates for the Profession of Architecture.